Oral Surgery
You shouldn't have to live your life in pain, our office is proud to offer oral surgery to remove broken and damaged teeth that are causing pain and discomfort.
What is oral surgery?
Oral surgery consists of the removal of broken teeth, wisdom teeth, fractured teeth, and root tips.
I am nervous about removing my teeth
Our priority is to make you feel comfortable and well informed regarding this treatment. For added comfort, we offer  nitrous oxide or better known as laughing gas.
Can I eat right after my appointment?
Absolutely! At the end of your appointment you will be given a after care directions to take home, and you may eat and drink once you get home. However, we recommend a soft diet and to avoid using the treated area to chew until healing has begun.
I've had surgery and my pain will not subside. What do I do?
At any time after your appointment if you are experiencing any unusual pain and or discomfort, please contact our office.